To the People of the United States of America,
Many points have been made in ensuring the protection of the
Constitution. We have discussed the need for a balanced government, for a
strong voice of the people, for the financial stability it provides, its
economic strengths, etc. There are many other reasons the Constitution is still
applicable today and for that I encourage you to go and read the Federalist
Papers yourselves. They are a phenomenal work. The Constitution of the United
States required difficult work by dedicated people. Do not take that lightly.
Choose to support a government built to balance human nature and government.
The checks and balances system is set up to keep the wrong
groups from gaining all the power. That includes the people. The founding
fathers spent much time addressing the virtues and vices of democracy in
establishing the Constitution. They understood that it is just as likely for
the people to hold too much power as it is for the government to hold too much
power. Negative changes in the Constitution have come from power hungry people
that usurp these checks and balances. We must stand against those who seek to
destroy our freedom. We must support the constitution.
It is now up to you to decide whether or not you will accept
it. Read it, understand it, and think for yourself. This is our duty as
citizens of the United States. The Constitution is not a perfect document.
However it is the best that we as imperfect people can abide by. We cannot
attempt to force a Utopia on the people. Instead we must do the best we can with
what we have. That is the Constitution. It is built on compromise, on the best
understanding we have.
It is easier to get the approval for new amendments that to
adopt a new system entirely. We must be cautious with this power and not amend
the Constitution at every whim we so desire to act on. Creating a balanced,
working government that benefits the people requires difficult work! It
requires unity, labor, and time. It requires these same values to fix it. Be
patient in the flaws. Do not try to amend everything you feel. Give it time,
work together, and change what is absolutely necessary. Remember that the
Constitution is meant to provide the best representation of the people without
giving them all the power. One group of people may be a majority on one issue
and a minority on another. That is the point. Well-rounded representation among
the many different voices.
We must also be guarded against usurpation of leadership. It
is not in the nature of those with power to want to give it up. This is the
reason for term limits and specified years per term. With this said, we still
need leaders who have public spirit and integrity. They must hold power in a
spirit of accommodation and they are required to truly represent their
A national government is required for the success of a
nation. The US establishing a constitution in a time of peace with general
consent is a miracle. A gift by the grace of God. Do not abuse it.
A Patriot
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