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Showing posts from 2015

God Bless America

Yesterday I watched American Sniper. It was one of the most gut-wrenching, eye-opening, tear-jerking movies I have ever seen. As someone who watches the news frequently I had semi-followed the trial regarding Chris Kyle and heard the powerful words of his wife Taya. My heart went out to this family who had seen their father narrowly survive four tours in Iraq only to have his life taken by a fellow veteran in the states. The movie ended and I sat there in awe; unable to say a word. My respect for the military, for what they go through, and their dedication to defending freedom greatly increased. I have always loved our military. Memorial Day, Veterans Day, D-Day, etc have always been days to remember those who have fallen and those who serve. I never could have imagined the pain and suffering these soldiers see. Our military sacrifices more than their lives for the cause of freedom. Every soldier who goes overseas makes sacrifices. That could be sacrifices of comfort and ...

The Federalist Project: Modern Federalist # 85

To the People of the United States of America, Many points have been made in ensuring the protection of the Constitution. We have discussed the need for a balanced government, for a strong voice of the people, for the financial stability it provides, its economic strengths, etc. There are many other reasons the Constitution is still applicable today and for that I encourage you to go and read the Federalist Papers yourselves. They are a phenomenal work. The Constitution of the United States required difficult work by dedicated people. Do not take that lightly. Choose to support a government built to balance human nature and government. The checks and balances system is set up to keep the wrong groups from gaining all the power. That includes the people. The founding fathers spent much time addressing the virtues and vices of democracy in establishing the Constitution. They understood that it is just as likely for the people to hold too much power as it is for the government to...

The Federalist Project: Modern Federalist #48

To the People of the United States of America, The check and balance system established in the Constitution of the United States is one of the strongest guards against corruption in the government that imperfect people and imperfect government systems can live by. Under the Constitution the three legislative bodies have separate responsibilities but they are balanced by each other. The executive is in charge of matters that require instant decision making. For example, while he cannot declare war, the president is in charge of making decisions regarding where to send troops and other decisions of that nature. He deals with emergency responses. The legislative power makes laws and organizes institutions such as the postal service or the national mint. The judicial power observes and determines the constitutionalism of the laws the legislative branch enacts. Each branch has a very distinct set of powers. However, each branch is checked and balanced by another. Why is it necess...

Our Government Requires Morality and Religion

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."                                                      -John Adams On this beautiful Sabbath day I was reminded of why I hold so strongly to my Christian faith. Not only is it the guide for my life, my reason for getting up each morning and of living each day as best I can, it is a reminder that everything that is good in this life comes from God. Why am I sharing this on a political blog? The quote above by John Adams is a very powerful reminder of the necessity of a moral and religious people in upholding the Constitution. That religion does not need to be Christianity. It can be Judaism, Buddhism, Islam; it doesn't matter. Religion provides a reason to better ourselves as human beings. The Constitution of the United States is bui...

The Federalist Project: Modern Federalist #39

To the People of the United States of America                 The Constitution of the United States took years to build. The Constitutional Convention may have only lasted from May until September but the process it took to get there took years. The founders studied democracies, monarchies, aristocracies, anarchies, tyrannies, and every other form of government before deciding on a republic. They decided to combine the best powers of a monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy to best provide for the people. The founders trusted in our education; in our understanding. We are not the weak uneducated masses but the strong, thoughtful citizens. Democratic governance is the best foundation we can have since this is our nation, not the government’s. A republic is not easily defined. Many countries have claimed a republic but not actually operated by one. The definition of a true republic is one that derives its powe...