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Showing posts from March, 2015

Our Government Requires Morality and Religion

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."                                                      -John Adams On this beautiful Sabbath day I was reminded of why I hold so strongly to my Christian faith. Not only is it the guide for my life, my reason for getting up each morning and of living each day as best I can, it is a reminder that everything that is good in this life comes from God. Why am I sharing this on a political blog? The quote above by John Adams is a very powerful reminder of the necessity of a moral and religious people in upholding the Constitution. That religion does not need to be Christianity. It can be Judaism, Buddhism, Islam; it doesn't matter. Religion provides a reason to better ourselves as human beings. The Constitution of the United States is bui...

The Federalist Project: Modern Federalist #39

To the People of the United States of America                 The Constitution of the United States took years to build. The Constitutional Convention may have only lasted from May until September but the process it took to get there took years. The founders studied democracies, monarchies, aristocracies, anarchies, tyrannies, and every other form of government before deciding on a republic. They decided to combine the best powers of a monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy to best provide for the people. The founders trusted in our education; in our understanding. We are not the weak uneducated masses but the strong, thoughtful citizens. Democratic governance is the best foundation we can have since this is our nation, not the government’s. A republic is not easily defined. Many countries have claimed a republic but not actually operated by one. The definition of a true republic is one that derives its powe...

The Federalist Project: Modern Federalist #13

To the People of the United States of America, As a nation we are divided. This division is not physical or geographical. Instead we are divided in the fundamentals that keep America strong. There is no respect for opinion, the government is incapable of making decisions together, and political parties make a clear divide between the people. While Alexander Hamilton used Federalist Paper 13 to open the eyes of the patriots to the problems with dividing the states into individual sovereignties, one being economic harm to America, it is important in our day to understand how the division of our country in regards to opinion, government, and politics has the same effect on our economy.                 Why is America united? There are two answers to this question. One, we are American! Patriotism runs in our veins. We recite the pledge, sing the national anthem, are encouraged to participate in politics, etc...

The Federalist Project: Modern Federalist #10

To the People of the United States of America, Each day we watch some of our freedoms slip through our fingers. Small things begin to be offensive. Religion, patriotism, race, gender, etc. are all subjects that we are required to tread lightly around. Why is this? When did opinion and belief become the problem? Where did respect for others, celebration of differences, and national unity go? These issues of today are largely caused by factions who are led on by an apathetic majority which leads to an unstable government. Factions are disruptive dissenting groups of government whose intent is to undermine the political system and force their policies and platforms upon a nation. These factions can be extremely destructive to a nation if the people are not united, if the government is not united, and if the proper government system is not in effect. The Constitution of the United States of America is essential to providing the best system for this nation to overcome the threat of ...